Effective Approaches to Keep Mouse Out of Your House

Rodents such as mice and rats can pose multiple problems for homeowners, including contaminating food, gnawing through essential documents, damaging electrical wiring, and spreading disease. Therefore, through this blog post, we’ll provide several strategies to help you keep mice at bay for good. We have tried to answer all your questions about mice removal, so don’t worry and just keep reading to learn more.

Relocate Bird Feeders Away from Your Home

The seeds and grains commonly found in bird food are a delectable treat for rodents, as evidenced by the frequent presence of squirrels at bird feeders. While bird feeding is a commendable hobby, it’s important to be aware that mice and rats may be attracted to the area around your feeders. To mitigate this risk, place your bird feeders as far away from your house as possible.

Store Pet Food in Sealed Containers

After purchasing pet food, transfer it to sealed, airtight storage containers right away. Numerous homeowners have experienced the shock of pouring out a bowl of pet food only to discover a mouse inside the bag. 

Secure Your Garbage Bins

Garbage cans and bins stored near the house or garage are highly attractive to rodents like rats and mice. To deter these unwelcome visitors, make sure your garbage bins are securely sealed with airtight lids. It’s also advisable to keep these containers as far from your house as possible, raise them on platforms above the ground, and further secure the lids with bungee cords or heavy rocks for added protection. Indoor trash bins should also be emptied regularly and not be allowed to overflow, as this can draw the attention of rodents.

Block All Potential Entry Points (Most Effective)

The single most crucial step in preventing mice and rats from invading your home is to carefully inspect the foundation and walls for any possible entry points and seal them off. Rodents often seek shelter from the cold during the fall and winter months, making this the ideal time to check your home’s exterior. 

Mice are capable of squeezing through openings as small as 1/4-inch in diameter. Fill any cracks in the foundation with masonry repair material and examine the joints around windows and door sills for gaps that could allow rodents to enter. Avoid using spray foam, as rodents can easily chew through it. Instead, seal holes tightly with steel wool or secure wire mesh patches over openings with screws. 

Maintain Foundation Plantings

Dense shrubs and garden plantings located close to your house can serve as hiding places for rodents (as well as termites) as they search for entry points in the foundation or walls. To minimize this risk, plant shrubs a few feet away from the foundation and ensure the soil level is low enough to prevent mice from sneaking up behind the siding.

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